Daily Archives: 09/15/2012

In which there are fewer words than photos… Bloom Day in September

In as wordless of a post as you may ever get from me, I went outside  on a twofold mission…….1.) take a photo of anything I could find blooming in the yard  and 2.) try not to get stung by anything while doing so ( I am newly allergic to bee/wasp stings yikes!) . Mission accomplished, and the photos …ALL   134 of them! are in the gallery. There are no multiples of anything ( for instance I have more sedum that blooms this time of year than I care to admit, so I took a photo of one to represent the group) and the photos are unlabelled and unedited which was part of the spontanaeity of the mission. You will see dahlias, butterfly bushes, roses, clematis , annuals, hydrangeas, trees,rudbeckias, mums, etc

OOgle more late summer blooms over at Garden Bloggers Bloom Day hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens

I really love my September garden! Hope you are enjoying yours as well!