is less really more ?

Often during workshops or lectures on design I will stress the well known adage that sometimes less is more. This is certainly true when as a gardener  you find yourself trying to squash 6 more plants in a space that is quite clearly full and WAS well designed , and now it will look all the worse for the additions that will mess up any sense of  flow or color or spacing and clearly indicate you are a plant collector who has been out on a binge buying plants that have no intended place in your garden.

Less is also more when I am teaching the art of making pressed flower designs, as the beauty is in the simplicity . Trying to jam in too many colors or textures results in a mess and often when participants are staring at their design wondering what went wrong and I speak the mantra of EDIT EDIT EDIT, they realize their original design thought process was everything they had hoped it would be, they just didn’t know when to stop adding flowers. Again, less is more.

Today however, on Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, less is , well, less. So very many inches of snow this winter combined with cold spring days with little or no sun have left us with little or nothing to look at  in the garden . Snowdrops ( galanthus spcs) are blooming now, maybe they were before this week but the garden was inaccessible so who knew?004

The Siberian squill has just exploded into bloom and is covering the Dogs Garden with its sweet little bluish colored flowers.001

I have planted a few pansies tentatively ,knowing out temps will still plummet some nights and they may have to be replaced,005006










.and the chionodoxa008 is just starting to show a smidgen of color promising to bloom soon.

That’s it. No more. The end.

There is hope though, as the weather forecast looks promising and fat buds are swelling on the magnolia, forsythia, lindera, amelanchier, cherries, lilacs ( the straight species) , daffodils, hyacinth, tulips and oh so many more plants out there. Then , gratefully, MORE will be more 🙂