gbbd oct 2015

we have been very lucky weather wise not to have suffered a hard frost…don’t worry it is coming , and soon, but for now the garden just keeps carrying on. I have read the phrase “pockets of beauty” ad nauseam for some reason these past few weeks  in reference to what is left to see our gardens…BAH! …Fall is glorious with color!

there are so very many late blooming plants that can bring us from the end of the summer  all the way into December here in New England and they should be a part of every garden in a place where we have snow cover for months.  Paired with the turning foliage of peonies,geraniums, many shrubs and of course our deciduous trees ,the garden is so vibrant now , add in the low light and great weather and it is paradise! DSC_0033

there are late season mums and asters

pink centerpiece mum

pink centerpiece mum


mums and callicarpa

mums and callicarpa

rose blush mum

rose blush mum

ater latifolius 'lady in black'

ater latifolius ‘lady in black’

sedum and  mellow moon mum

sedum and mellow moon mum


loads of shrubs and trees that have beautiful berries and fruit

Mrs. robinson crab apple

Mrs. robinson crab apple



winterberry holly

winterberry holly

winter gold holly

winter gold holly


rose hips and reblooming roses

drift rose 'sweet'

drift rose ‘sweet’

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seafoam rose

seafoam rose

rugosa rose hips

rugosa rose hips


sedums and hydrangeas

sedum octoberdapne

sedum octoberdapne

endless summer hydrangea

endless summer hydrangea

long and  late season annuals, many of which you can see below in the vases I put together for a presentation today

pink petunias

pink petunias



daucus carrota

daucus carrota







cosmos picotee

cosmos picotee

the late blooming montauk daisy, gentian  and the long blooming garden phloxes

nora leigh phlox

nora leigh phlox

gentian andrewsii

gentian andrewsii

montauk daisy

montauk daisy

fall anenomes

fall anemone

fall anemone

apples and pears on the trees and on the groundDSC_0030 (2)




persicaria and alluim thungbergii ‘ozawa’ ( with sedum and gentians)

persicara 'firetail'

persicara ‘firetail’

allium ozawa and sedun

allium ozawa and sedun

and then there are those plants like geranium ‘rozanne’, verbenna ‘annie’ and every agastache on the market, as well as the honeysuckle ‘major wheeler’ that bloom for such a long time that I can almost ( but not quite yet) say i am sick of them!

major wheeler honeysuckle

major wheeler honeysuckle

Still yet to come are a half dozen more perennial mums that are still in bud and won’t be harmed by frost at alll!

sheffield mum

sheffield mum

below is a look at everything I cut today for a presentation on shrubs …the flowers are just a bonus in addition to the beauty of the branches that are the base of the arrangements

.The last one was made  just for me though ( i really really really like pink)

twist and shout hydrangea, pink cnterpiece mums, dahilas, cosmos, symphoricarpos coral berries,

twist and shout hydrangea, pink cnterpiece mums, dahilas, cosmos, symphoricarpos coral berries,

wintergold holly, summersweet leaves, matchstick mums, zinnias and nasturtiums

wintergold holly, summersweet leaves, matchstick mums, zinnias and nasturtiums

gallardias, zinniasm chamaecyparis, euonymous leaves, ruby mound mums, wieglia foliage, and the awesome foliage of lilac'Miss kim'

gallardias, zinniasm chamaecyparis, euonymous leaves, ruby mound mums, wieglia foliage, and the awesome foliage of lilac’Miss kim’

wintergold holly calicarpa berries, montauk daisy, peach centerpiece mum. peony and red shield hibiscus leaves

wintergold holly calicarpa berries, montauk daisy, peach centerpiece mum. peony and red shield hibiscus leaves

DSC_0010How does your late garden look? I’ll bet there is more color  to it than you  other people think!DSC_0004

head on over to see what is going on elsewhere and for tons of inspiration at May dreams gardens


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